For a life full of happiness, success and meaning.
For yourself and your business.
MY Fundament is a groundbreaking program of Thé Business Optimizer®.
A better world starts with you. With personal leadership with you as creator.
People, organizations and brands that living their soul values are the winners in tomorrow’s Purpose economy. You unlock your deepest potential and of your business. The deployed Soul knowledge makes MY Fundament programs unique. At the same time, our programs are stunningly simple. Pure and Purposeful, sometimes confrontive and always with postive impact. Powerful integration techniques.
We guide executives, professionals and organizations to an A+ for happiness, success and purpose.
Our Offer
Personal Coaching
Finding Your own MY Fundament. Personal Leadership: individual, group, retreats, 24/7.
Soul-level depth, hands-on with powerful integration. Let’s get to work, high effectiveness. Custom-made
Executive coaching
C-Level: in the spotlight, lonely at the top. High demands, same risks. Trusted advisor welcome.
As former CEO your coach is experienced in the interaction between management, board and shareholders.
Key 4 Life
Happiness, success and purpose.
With MY Foundation to a life of happiness and success. Then find your purpose and contribute to a better world.
Heal quickly and permanently from burn-out.
MY Fundament has joined forces with physicians and scientists. Focus on energy management.
Job Happiness
Happy employees bring more succes to your organization.
Complete program with continuous monitoring on all elements of vitality and (work) happiness: physical, emotional, mental, Purpose and personal leadership.
Personal Leadership
Finding Your own MY Fundament. Coaching: individual, group, retreats, 24/7 observative coaching.
Soul-level depth, hands-on with powerful integration. Let’s get to work, high effectiveness. Custom-made
Heal quick and permanent from burn-out.
MY Fundament has joined forces with physicians and scientists. Focus on energy management.
Executive coaching
C-Level: in the spotlight, lonely at the top. High demands, same risks. Trusted advisor welcome.
As former CEO your coach is experienced in the interaction between management, board and shareholders.
Job Happiness
Happy employees bring more succes to your organization.
Complete program with continuous monitoring on all elements of vitality and (work) happiness: physical, emotional, mental, Purpose and personal leadership.
Key 4 Life
happiness, success and purpose.
With MY Fundament to a A+ for Happiness, Success and Purpose. Then find your purpose and contribute to a better world.
Patrick en partners zijn ervaren hands-on sparringspartners en ondernemers. Gespecialiseerd in de essentie van mensen en krachtige integratie/implementatie. Persoonlijke en business coaching. Vertrouwenspersonen van velen.

Patrick R. van Zuijlen
Inspirator and creator
Founder of The Business Optimizer®. Trusted Advisor
From fundamental wisdom of life to meaningful living and business. Versatile executive experience. Enthusiastic.
Loves a good Indonesian rice table, martial arts, golf and music.